Sunday, November 8, 2015

To the woman with children, from the woman without:

To the woman with children, from the woman without:

Cherish these moments. Though you may be so physically exhausted that you would give anything for 60 minutes of sleep, your babies are only babies for a little while. Hold them when they cry, because all they want is you. All they want is to be fed, dry, and loved. Hold them, because they won’t let you hold them forever. Through every 2 am feeding, or 4 am poop-up-the-back blowout, have patience, have kindness, have love.  Because sooner or later, you’ll blink, and they’ll be mobile, and you’ll be frustrated, trying to keep everything dangerous out of their mouths, as they pull the Christmas tree down on top of them and break family heirloom ornaments. You’ll laugh and cry as they take their first steps, walking to YOU, their momma, because to them, there is no one more important to them in the entire world. Then you’ll blink again, and you’ll have a toddler in full meltdown mode in the middle of the grocery store, and all you’ll want to do is to walk up to that child and ask out loud in front of everyone watching, “Where are your parents?!” and walk away, haha (but you won’t!)! They will mortify you, and make you want to scream, as they start feeling around in their life for a sense of who they are, and begin to try and gain a little independence. They’ll scream when they don’t get their way, and you’ll have to take a deep breath to get through it. Then before you know it, they’re off to school, riding that big yellow school bus. Your heart will break as you know that your baby is growing up, as she waves to you from the bus window. And then one day you’ll want to throttle some other kid’s parents, as their little baby is being mean to your little baby (or maybe yours is the one being mean??). They’ll be off in the world, meeting new people (some of whom are good, some of whom are not), learning new things. You’ll get angry when you don’t understand how to help them with their math problems anymore, and probably feel inferior. Guess what? You’re not, and you can use this as a teaching moment. They’re looking to YOU for how to handle tough moments, for how to work through difficult situations. Then before you know it, they’re in middle school, with 10 tons of attitude, raging hormones, crushes, and did I mention 10 tons of attitude? Early adolescence is just a horrible age to be. Do you remember what it was like to be 13? It felt like the world was against you…and your baby probably feels the same way. So even when she’s being a snot-nosed brat, love her, because she won’t be this horrible age forever. In a few short blinks of an eye, she’ll be in high school, navigating the world of dating, driving, academics, athletics, career planning, all while fighting with those stupid hormones. She’ll think she knows it all, and she’ll think you’re dumb. She might even tell you that she hates you, and you’ll get mad, yell at her, then go in your room, lock your door, and cry yourself to sleep. Then one day you’ll wake up, and it’s time to drive your baby and drop her off at college, hoping to God that you’ve raised her right, raised her to know the difference between right and wrong, and set her out into the world without you. She’s going to make choices you don’t agree with, but they’re her choices now. Her life.  Her consequences. And you are going to cry for her, because even though she’s older, being a parent is still so damned hard.
But even through all of this, you know that you love your baby with all of your heart. Because at the end of the day, she’s still the one who was inside of you, your heart beating for her, your blood pumping for her. And you KNOW that you wouldn’t trade any of that frustration or heartbreak for the world. Cherish it. Because you, the woman with a child, even through all of the pain you’ve experienced as a mother, are lucky, even if you don’t always feel that way. Because there are so many other women in this world who would give their right arm if it meant they could be up at 4 am, cleaning the poop off of their child’s back, if it meant they could have those temper tantrums in the middle of the aisle, if it meant they could be frustrated at homework, if it meant they could be on the receiving end of a 13 year old’s attitude, if it meant they could be hating the boys or girls their daughter brings home, if it meant they could cry as they drove away from college without their baby…because they want nothing more than all the pain of motherhood, because along with all that pain comes tremendous joy. Because they want nothing more than to be a mother, but for whatever reason, they can’t, or haven’t yet, even after years of trying. Because their tears are different from yours. Their tears come from a longing, deep inside of them, a yearning in the deepest part of their soul. A need that is as of yet, unfulfilled. Some people just cannot think of anything else; it is all-consuming to want a child, but to not have one. And when well-meaning people say things like, “just relax,” or “just adopt,” it cheapens the feeling, it cheapens the pain, it cheapens the experience. Because it isn’t always that easy. Because no matter how much we’ve tried “just relaxing,” it still hasn’t happened. Because no matter how much we have prayed, it still has not happened. Because no matter how many different medicines we’ve taken, or shots we’ve injected into ourselves, it still hasn’t happened. Because no matter what, most normal working people just cannot come up with the money it takes to adopt. Because for some reason, wanting a child and not having one is like a secret club, one that no one wants to be in, and no one talks about. So these women may not even know how many others like them are going through the exact same thing. There are play dates for kids & the moms get to hang out and breathe together…but there often feels like there is no support for the childless mother.  The isolation is deafening.
To the woman with children, please do not be offended by what I wrote from my heart. It is not in any way meant to cheapen your experience and what you go through. Rather, it is simply a way of telling you that you have an absolute miracle, and to cherish it. Because there are women out there who are jealous of that miracle, and want nothing more than to have one of their own. Love those women. Even though you can’t truly understand their pain, and they can’t truly understand yours, love them. Be there for them. Don’t exclude them, because they already feel isolated. They may turn you down if they are not at a good place at that moment in time, but the fact that you still invited them, matters.
To the woman without children, love the women with children…because if your day comes, they will know exactly what to say or do to support you when you’re up at 4 am, when you’re waving goodbye to your baby through the bus window, when you’re angry that you cannot figure out this stupid word problem, when you’re crying in your room because your daughter just told you she hated you. The woman with children will be your biggest cheerleader, and she wants nothing more than for you to join the mommy club with her. She just may not know how to help you where you’re at right now, and that’s okay. Love her. Be there for her, to the greatest extent that your heart will allow. And most importantly, love yourself. Trust that God has a bigger plan for you. You may not always know what He has in store, and you may not always like the answers to the prayers you pray, but know that He is listening! The pain that you have been feeling can't compare to the joy that's coming (Romans 8:18). :-)

Monday, July 20, 2015


The end of exercise is here! Do you hate burpees, running, and just working out in general? Well then, THIS is the program made just for you! Reminiscent of your fun college days where you would go out dancing with your girlfriends, Shaun T (of Insanity, T25, & Hip Hop Abs fame) will teach you awesome dances to some of today's hot music. You'll be moving & grooving, and it isn't about being perfect. No, far from it. This program is about FEELING the music, FEELING the rhythm in your body, and getting up off the couch and having fun! No one cares if you look like J-Lo's backup dancer or a total dork (like I do, haha!). This program gets you out of your head, and gets you dancing your stress away. Let's face it, who couldn't stand to de-stress a little?

I am going to be completely honest with you here. When I first heard that this program was coming out, I thought it was going to be corny. Like, "Seriously? A dancing program? I can't freaking dance! This is going to be dumb." Well, then at Summit (Beachbody's coaching conference), I did a live workout with Shaun T and he taught a Cize routine...and IT. WAS. AMAZE-BALLS!!! (does anyone even use that phrase anymore?) It honestly did NOT feel like I was working out. It felt like I was dancing at a club (you know, back in college, when liquid courage made me "good" at dancing, haha!) or like when I cheered in high school and was learning a new routine. SO. MUCH. FUN! For real! I was laughing and smiling the entire time, and didn't even pay any attention to the heart rate monitor I wear when I work out: that is, until it was over and I turned it off, not expecting much. I was beyond shocked at the number of calories I burned in an hour of dancing. I had sweat dripping from every surface of my body, I probably smelled funny, and I looked I'm sure like a total ass, but I have literally never had that much fun while exercising. Here's the proof: look at that smile! Did I mention this was at 6 am??!!

Now, the routines on the DVD are not an hour long; they're roughly 30-ish minutes (the longest is like 40). Definitely something you can fit into your day. There are 6 different dance routines, and Shaun T builds by teaching a few moves at a time, then adding on another move or two, until you know the entire thing and put it to music. The challenge pack comes with a 30 day bag supply of Shakeology in the flavor of your choice, 3 Cize DVD's with 2 routines each, a calendar to follow each day to know which routine to do, weekend survival guide, eating guide, a bonus DVD with an additional routine if you purchase through me, admittance into my support group for nutrition and fitness, and ME! You don't pay any extra for my services once you purchase the initial challenge pack. Deadline for ordering a challenge pack to be entered for the giveaway is Friday, July 24th at midnight EST.

Doesn't this sound phenomenal? How can you NOT try this?!
Fill out the application & join my team TODAY! Don't wait. You won't regret it! :-)

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Tuesday, July 14, 2015


 Like this?

 Then you'll LOVE this!!!

Autumn's new cookbook, Fixate, is available now with 101 of her personal recipes to use in combination with the 21 Day Fix or 21 Day Fix Extreme containers, or to just start eating healthier. These recipes are simple, delicious, healthy, and kid-approved.

 Click here to get your copy!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Bikini Bootcamp!

LAST CALL for my Bikini Bootcamp group.... (only 5 spots left!)

I am looking for busy women like me who are tired of feeling bad about themselves & are ready to feel amazing & blow minds this summer. This isn't about being a size zero; that just isn't realistic for every woman. It is, however, about gaining enough confidence in yourself to rock whatever you put on, and not have to hide under some hot & sweaty cover up at the beach or your backyard pool. If you have kids, do you want them growing up thinking women need to be ashamed of how they look, or do you want them to see mommy loving her healthy body and being confident enough to swim with them?! Not only will this group give you the tools necessary to get healthy, but it can help with so much more. A healthy lifestyle truly changes your energy level, helping you start each morning off right, feeling confident and ready to tackle your day...just simply to feel good about being YOU!

Is it possible to lose up to 15 lbs in as little as 21 days with this program?...YES. Wanna double it?? We're going for 2 rounds.

Start Date: April 20th

So, what are you waiting for? If you don't already have a coach, message me to claim one of those 5 spots, since they're first come first serve!!!! :-)
Interested? Fill out the application below!

Fill out my online form.
Use Wufoo integrations and get your data to your favorite apps.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Sausage, kale, & spinach pasta

So this is absolutely fantastic!!! I found a recipe on Pinterest, and tweaked it to meet my taste buds (and you know you're jealous of my fine china, hehe!)! 
21 day fix approved! 1 yellow, 1 green, 1/2 red, 1/3 blue

  • 1 box whole wheat or whole grain pasta. I prefer whole grain ziti
  • 1 pound lean turkey, chicken, or "clean" pork sausage (we butcher our own, so I used our pork sausage)
  • ½ green container sundried tomatoes. You can find them in the produce section that are in a bag. Don't get the kind in a jar that's filled with olive oil.
  • 1½ green containers kale
  • 1½ green container spinach leaves
  • ½ cup shredded italian blend cheese. You can either use the already shredded kind or grate your own.
  • 1 tbsp whole wheat flour
  • ⅓ cup organic milk 

1.     Boil your pasta according to package directions. Before draining, reserve 1 cup of the water for the sauce for later on. This is really important!
2.     In a separate skillet, sauté the tomatoes, kale, & spinach in about a tablespoon of olive oil, just until tender. Remove from skillet.
3.     Cook sausage in large skillet. Once browned, remove the sausage from skillet. I normally take a plate & cover it with about 4-6 paper towels, then dump the sausage on the paper towels. This soaks up the excess grease.
4.     Add a tablespoon or less of olive oil or EVOO to the pan the sausage was just in (if necessary), and add the flour, stirring constantly to form a roux.
5.     Stir in the milk, leftover starchy “pasta” water, and cheese. Stir until thickened slightly.
6.     Add the vegetables, sausage, and noodles, and stir to ensure everything is coated evenly.
7.     Use your green container to portion out one serving.