If you don't have a lot of time to work out, and still want a great
burn and way to really tone those muscles, Tony Horton's P90X3 is an
AWESOME workout!!!! These short, targeted, and intense workouts are only
30 minutes long, but work you hard. With these shorter workouts, you'll
have no more excuses as to why you can't exercise.
Here's why I love P90X3
1. The time. I work full time, I'm a wife, and I'm also a full time PhD student working on my dissertation. I don't have hours to spend at the gym.
2. The convenience. I didn't need a lot of equipment to be successful with this program. Dum-bells in a few different weights (or resistance bands), a way to do pullups (or a door attachment for a resistance band), and a yoga mat. That's it. I didn't need to spend a ton of money on this stuff either.
3. It's fun! Wait, what?! You read that correctly, this program is FUN! I LOVE Tony Horton and his sense of humor! There were so many of these workouts where I would bust out laughing in the middle of an exercise because he's hysterical!
4. The burn. You will work your tushy off. Though I didn't lose a lot of pounds with this program, I lost a TON of inches and got so so so so so so strong! I have biceps now! I never had them before. I was blow-drying my hair one morning, saw a bicep that wasn't there the week before, and I yelled, "Oh my gosh!" My husband, thinking something was wrong, came running into the bathroom to ask what had happened, as this was like 5:45 in the morning. When I showed him "the guns" he was quite impressed. :-) He has huge arms from working in construction, so they're nowhere near his, but they're still fantastic, nice, lean sexy muscles!
5. The "Whoa, you can do a pull up? But you're a girl!" That's right. You just saw that.
6. The "Holy crap girl, you look AMAZING!" You know it baby! :-) hehehe!
If you're interested in purchasing this program, check out:
Here's the "classic" schedule:
Block 1 - Weeks 1-3
Day 1-Total synergistics
Day 2-Agility X
Day 3-X3 Yoga
Day 4-The Challenge
Day 5-CVX
Day 6-The Warrior
Day 7-Rest or Dynamix
Week 4-Transition
Day 1-Isometrix
Day 2-Dynamix
Day 3-Accelerator
Day 4-Pilates X
Day 5-CVX
Day 6-X3 Yoga

Day 7-Rest or Dynamix
Block 2 - Weeks 5-7
Day 1-Eccentric Upper
Day 2-Triometrics
Day 3-X3 Yoga
Day 4-Eccentric Lower
Day 5-Incinerator
Day 6-MMX
Day 7-Rest or Dynamix
Week 8-Transition
Day 1-Isometrics
Day 2-Dynamix
Day 3-Accelerator
Day 4-Pilates X
Day 5-CVX
Day 6-X3 Yoga
Day 7-Rest or Dynamix
Block 3-Weeks 9 and 11
Day 1-Decelerator
Day 2-Agility X
Day 3-The Challenge OR Complex Upper
Day 4-X3 Yoga
Day 5-Triometrix
Day 6-Total Synergistics OR Complex Lower
Day 7-Rest or Dynamix
Weeks 10 and 12
Day 1-Decelerator
Day 2-MMX
Day 3-Eccentric Upper
Day 4-Triometrics
Day 5-Pilates X
Day 6-Eccentric Lower
Day 7-Rest or Dynamix
Week 13-Victory Week
Day 1-Isometrix
Day 2-Accelerator
Day 3-Pilates X
Day 4-X3 Yoga
Day 5-Dynamix
Day 6-Rest or Dynamix
Day 7-Final fit test & photo shoot