Friday, May 30, 2014

30 Day Push-Up Challenge!

We're starting this June 1, 2014! Who is in???

Need a bigger challenge? Check out my website for a Beachbody challenge.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Focus T25

Focus T25 is the brain-child of superstar trainer Shaun T. Workouts are only 25 minutes long and you'll leave in a puddle of sweat and burn a bunch of calories!

There are two phases: alpha and beta. Both are five weeks long and each week rotates through the different workouts. The alpha round is a lot of cardio, and beta round incorporates hand weights into some of the exercises in addition to the cardio-based formula.

This was an AWESOME program, and I lost 25 pounds by combining it with clean eating!!!

If you're interested in learning more or purchasing the program, check out:

Focus T25 Schedule
Alpha Round
Week 1
Day 1-Cardio
Day 2-Speed 1.0
Day 3-Total Body Circuit
Day 4-Ab Intervals
Day 5-Lower Focus and Cardio
Day 6-Measurements & weight
Day 7-Rest

Week 2
Day 1-Cardio
Day 2-Total Body Circuit
Day 3-Speed 1.0
Day 4-Cardio
Day 5-Lower Focus and Ab Intervals
Day 6-Measurements & weight
Day 7-Rest

Week 3
Day 1-Total Body Circuit
Day 2-Speed 1.0
Day 3-Lower Focus
Day 4-Cardio
Day 5-Total Body Circuit and Ab Intervals
Day 6-Measurements and weight
Day 7-Rest

Week 4
Day 1-Cardio
Day 2-Total Body Circuit
Day 3-Lower Focus
Day 4-Total Body Circuit
Day 5-Ab Intervals and Speed 1.0
Day 6-Measurements and weight
Day 7-Rest

Week 5
Day 1-Total Body Circuit
Day 2-Ab Intervals
Day 3-Total Body Circuit
Day 4-Cardio
Day 5-Total Body Circuit and Lower Focus
Day 6-Measurements and weight
Day 7-Rest

Beta Round
Week 6
Day 1-Core Cardio
Day 2-Speed 2.0
Day 3-Rip't Circuit
Day 4-Dynamic Core
Day 5-Upper Focus and Core Cardio
Day 6-Measurements and weight
Day 7-Rest

Week 7
Day 1-Dynamic Core
Day 2-Core Cardio
Day 3-Rip't Circuit
Day 4-Upper Focus
Day 5-Rip't Circuit and Speed 2.0
Day 6-Measurements and weight
Day 7-Rest

Week 8
Day 1-Core Cardio
Day 2-Upper Focus
Day 3-Speed 2.0
Day 4-Rip't Circuit
Day 5-Dynamic Core and Speed 2.0
Day 6-Measurements and weight
Day 7-Rest

Week 9
Day 1-Rip't Circuit
Day 2-Dynamic Core
Day 3-Core Cardio
Day 4-Dynamic Core
Day 5-Speed 2.0 and Upper Focus
Day 6-Measurements and weight
Day 7-Rest

Week 10
Day 1-Rip't Circuit
Day 2-Core Cardio
Day 3-Rip't Circuit
Day 4-Dynamic Core
Day 5-Rip't Circuit and Speed 2.0
Day 6-Final Measurements and weight!!!
Day 7-Rest

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If you don't have a lot of time to work out, and still want a great burn and way to really tone those muscles, Tony Horton's P90X3 is an AWESOME workout!!!! These short, targeted, and intense workouts are only 30 minutes long, but work you hard. With these shorter workouts, you'll have no more excuses as to why you can't exercise.

Here's why I love P90X3
1. The time. I work full time, I'm a wife, and I'm also a full time PhD student working on my dissertation. I don't have hours to spend at the gym.
2. The convenience. I didn't need a lot of equipment to be successful with this program. Dum-bells in a few different weights (or resistance bands), a way to do pullups (or a door attachment for a resistance band), and a yoga mat. That's it. I didn't need to spend a ton of money on this stuff either.
3. It's fun! Wait, what?! You read that correctly, this program is FUN! I LOVE Tony Horton and his sense of humor! There were so many of these workouts where I would bust out laughing in the middle of an exercise because he's hysterical!
4. The burn. You will work your tushy off. Though I didn't lose a lot of pounds with this program, I lost a TON of inches and got so so so so so so strong! I have biceps now! I never had them before. I was blow-drying my hair one morning, saw a bicep that wasn't there the week before, and I yelled, "Oh my gosh!" My husband, thinking something was wrong, came running into the bathroom to ask what had happened, as this was like 5:45 in the morning. When I showed him "the guns" he was quite impressed. :-) He has huge arms from working in construction, so they're nowhere near his, but they're still fantastic, nice, lean sexy muscles!
5. The "Whoa, you can do a pull up? But you're a girl!" That's right. You just saw that.
6. The "Holy crap girl, you look AMAZING!" You know it baby! :-) hehehe!

If you're interested in purchasing this program, check out:
Here's the "classic" schedule:

Block 1 - Weeks 1-3
Day 1-Total synergistics
Day 2-Agility X
Day 3-X3 Yoga
Day 4-The Challenge
Day 5-CVX
Day 6-The Warrior
Day 7-Rest or Dynamix

Week 4-Transition
Day 1-Isometrix
Day 2-Dynamix
Day 3-Accelerator
Day 4-Pilates X
Day 5-CVX
Day 6-X3 Yoga
Day 7-Rest or Dynamix

Block 2 - Weeks 5-7
Day 1-Eccentric Upper
Day 2-Triometrics
Day 3-X3 Yoga
Day 4-Eccentric Lower
Day 5-Incinerator
Day 6-MMX
Day 7-Rest or Dynamix

Week 8-Transition
Day 1-Isometrics
Day 2-Dynamix
Day 3-Accelerator
Day 4-Pilates X
Day 5-CVX
Day 6-X3 Yoga 
Day 7-Rest or Dynamix

Block 3-Weeks 9 and 11
Day 1-Decelerator
Day 2-Agility X
Day 3-The Challenge OR Complex Upper
Day 4-X3 Yoga
Day 5-Triometrix
Day 6-Total Synergistics OR Complex Lower
Day 7-Rest or Dynamix

Weeks 10 and 12
Day 1-Decelerator
Day 2-MMX
Day 3-Eccentric Upper
Day 4-Triometrics
Day 5-Pilates X
Day 6-Eccentric Lower
Day 7-Rest or Dynamix

Week 13-Victory Week
Day 1-Isometrix
Day 2-Accelerator
Day 3-Pilates X
Day 4-X3 Yoga
Day 5-Dynamix
Day 6-Rest or Dynamix
Day 7-Final fit test & photo shoot
Fill out my online form.
There are tons of Wufoo features to help make your forms awesome.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Italian Turkey Meatballs

Italian Turkey Meatballs

1 pound ground turkey
15 crushed whole wheat crackers
½ tsp oregano
¼ tsp Italian seasoning

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Mix all ingredients together in a larger bowl, making sure all ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Lightly spray a 9X13 cake pan with non-stick cooking spray. Take approximately 1-2 tablespoons
of turkey mixture, and roll into balled shape, then place in cake pan.

Continue with the rest of the turkey. Cover loosely with foil, then bake for approximately 45 minutes. Remove foil, and continue to bake for another 15 minutes or until meatballs are lightly browned.

Remove from oven, let cool slightly, then enjoy!!! Try it with this spaghetti squash-yummy!

Perfect Spaghetti Squash

Perfect Spaghetti Squash

Cut squash in half length-wise. 

Scoop out seeds from the middle, then place cut side up on a baking sheet. Bake for one hour at 350 degrees. 

Remove from oven, and let cool for about 10 minutes. Holding up one half at a time over a larger bowl, use a fork to scrape out the fleshy part of the squash in strings like spaghetti noodles. Top with your favorite spaghetti toppings, like my turkey meatballs with organic spaghetti sauce!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Cookies and Cream Shakeology

Cookies and Cream Shakeology

Ice, to taste (I use 7 ice cubes to make my shake nice and thick)
1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1/2 Quest Cookies & Cream bar
1 scoop vanilla Shakeology

In a blender, crush ice. Cut the Quest bar into half, then chop that half into smaller pieces. Add those pieces to the blender with the crushed ice, along with the milk and vanilla Shakeology. Blend until all ingredients are mixed well. Pour into a cup, and enjoy!

Whole wheat pita pizza

Whole Wheat Pita Pizza

Love eating clean, but miss your pizza nights? Now you can have the best of both worlds! This is a very easy recipe, and when made with high quality ingredients, can put a healthy spin on an old favorite. Look for products with as few ingredients as possible. If you're in the Pennsylvania area, try the whole wheat pita pockets and organic pizza sauce from Giant...super delicious! I can only find the Cacique cheese in my small town at Walmart, but it's the best brand for my taste buds.

Whole wheat pitas with a pocket
Organic pizza sauce
Mozzarella cheese (avoid the already shredded kind if at all possible. There are unnecessary additives that keep the cheese shreds from sticking to one another).
Assorted toppings (veggies, etc.)

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Using a grater, grate desired amount of mozzarella cheese. Place pita on a baking sheet (the stone bakeware works best for me!).

Spoon out desired amount of pizza sauce and spread out, stopping approximately 1/4" to 1/2" from the edge of the pita. Add cheese on top, spreading out to just beyond the cheese to 'seal' it in.

Top with whatever veggies you'd like to add, then bake in oven for approximately 10-15 minutes, or until cheese melts to a nice bubbly-just starting to brown. Remove from oven carefully, and let cool for a minute or so, then cut and enjoy!!! The cheese may melt a little off center, but that certainly doesn't affect its taste, haha!